Sunday, December 19, 2010


Like every other human being on the planet, I love fudge. Even people with chocolate allergies love it, and I'm still not thoroughly convinced that chocolate allergies aren't just the Aliens' way of avoiding the only thing that will bring them down.

It's chocolate, but MORE. You know what I'm talking about. If chocolate is sex, then fudge is the deeply satisfying kinky shit you can only get from an ad on Craigslist.

You, um, may just have to trust me on that one.

Wow. Awkward.'s good stuff, but it is a pain in the ass to make. The recipe I use involves cooking a mixture of butter, evaporated milk, and sugar then pouring it over chocolate, marshmallows, and flavoring. Anybody who's done any kind of candy making knows that sugar + stove = a metric asston of mess if not watched, stirred, lovingly caressed and told that the saucepan doesn't make it look fat. Then you pour it over the other stuff and stir like your life depended on it. You stir like Dennis Hopper will blow you up if you stop and then you'll have Keanu and Sandra chunks all over the gingersnaps.

Fudge making isn't for wimps.

It's frakkin' good though.

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