Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Damn, Missed A Day

Well crapsticks, I missed a day. Completely forgot. Mom and I took Kiddo to see Santa, and it was great. We had lunch at the mall food court, and because I remembered cash for a change we could all have what we wanted. Mom got her Kobari Beef, Kiddo got his McNuggets, I got a gyro because every once in awhile I love to spend my afternoon burping oregano.

Went to Trader Joe's for coffee and jelly and baklava for me, because sometimes I like to spend my time sticky with honey and crunching phyllo and nuts.

I never claimed to be interesting, you know.

Monday evenings I go and see a horrible movie at The Loft and yell at the screen along with everybody else. It's very cathartic and I ran into my hairdresser and her boyfriend. She is, like me, short and round. He is skinny and just keeps going up. When they hug it looks like a lowercase "b". It's adorable.

After all that I just flat out forgot to blog. So much for my great intentions of sticking to something, anything. Ah well, for all my fans (both of you) there will be better tales to come as I will be back in the office later this week. Real estate, even if it is just apartment rentals, often allows for wonderful stories. Want to know one of my favorite ones? I answered the phone at one complex and this loud, gruff voice says, "Do you accept felons?" My response?

"We prefer check or money order."

Good night, Cleveland!

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